Palliative Care

What is Palliative Care?

Like hospice care, palliative care is patient and family-centered and seeks to promote quality of life through support provided by our palliative team. This is achieved by addressing a broad spectrum of needs with the aim of supporting patient independence when navigating serious illness.

Palliative care is available to patients who have not received a terminal diagnosis, or who may not be ready for hospice support. While hospice is only available to patients who have stopped life-prolonging treatment, palliative care can be provided alongside such treatment.

Palliative care can be received alongside curative or life-prolonging care, and can be understood as a stepping stone to hospice care. Palliative care professionals will collaborate with the patient, other care providers, and family members/loved ones to ensure the utmost support for the patient.


Our palliative team will check in with patients by phone and provide intermittent visits as needed to support patients with:

  • Pain & symptom management related to illness

    Expert management of complex physical and emotional symptoms, including pain, depression, anxiety, fatigue, shortness of breath, constipation, nausea, loss of appetite, and difficulty sleeping.

  • Medication & prescription management

    Help with ensuring essential medications are ordered and accessible, as well as help with administration schedules.

  • Accessing medical equipment

    Support in arranging the provision of specialized beds, commodes, wheelchairs/walking aids, and more.

  • Education to family & other caregivers

    Time can be devoted to family meetings and patient/family counseling.

  • Setting goals for care & treatment

    Skilled communication about what to expect in the future in order to ensure that care is matched to the goals and priorities of the patient and the family.

  • Understanding & navigating the medical system & overall support with the coordination of care

    Support with the communication of care plans among all providers across all settings.